Want to Start Cycling to Work? Here are Some Top Tips from our Members on Cycling in London
With the advent of cycle superhighways, Low Traffic Neighbourhoods and bicycle hire schemes, there’s never been a better time to start cycling to work.
There is a strong case to start cycling to work. According to The British Heart Foundation, cycling for just 30 minutes a day can help reduce the risk of coronary heart disease by around 50%. Cycling to work instead of taking public transport could save you £1320 a year, the cost of an annual zone 1-2 Travelcard. Additionally, it saves you the expense of a monthly gym membership.
Here at Paddington Works, we are keen advocates for implementing ways to improve the quality of life of our workspace members. We provide dedicated and secure bike storage spaces and on-site shower facilities for our members.
In recognition of this, we asked our members to let us know why they cycle into Paddington Works and also give their top tips on how to hit the road with confidence. Scroll down to see their advice and see some hot spots you’re likely to see while cycling into Paddington Works.
Why do you cycle into Paddington Works? Are there any features we offer that make it easier for you to cycle into work?
“It’s the quickest way of getting around London and healthier.”
– Steve
“I cycle to help stay fit. As an added benefit I am reducing my carbon footprint.”
– Arun
“I cycle to work because it’s quicker than taking public transport. It keeps me fit and healthy whilst also saving money.”
– Andy
A lot of people think cycling on London roads is dangerous. Is there any advice or tips you would give to people to gain confidence cycling on London roads?
“Cycling in London is easy. Most roads in central London have designated cycle lanes/bus lanes you can use. If you use google maps for directions, it automatically shows you the safer route even if it is longer. My tip is to be mindful of how a car driver would think (and follow the rules just as a car would need to. Always do a quick look over your shoulder before you change directions (even if it is within the same lane).”
– Arun
“Cycling on London roads can be initially scary but actually much safer than you think if you are careful and not too worried about overtaking cars/buses! I see plenty of cyclists not wearing a helmet, earphones in and that’s when bad accidents can happen.”
– Andy
As our members at Paddington Works have attested, cycling provides a swifter, more health-conscious alternative to the congested commute, all while fostering a cleaner, greener urban environment. So, saddle up and embark on your journey to a fitter, more efficient, and more fulfilling commute.